Monday, November 13, 2006

Happy Monday!

Montezuma made it to the local newspaper today...
I am reading about residency...some helpful tips about life in Costa Rica  here....
Days are going much better and I could get a couple hours of sleep in the last two nights, thanks to my new neighbors. It makes such a difference when I am not alone in the big farm....
I didnt do anything noteworthy yesterday...Watched the hummingbirds in front of my door, slept on the hammock and played an impressive hour of Mario...I made breakfast, cut a papaya and had granola..Then headed down to the beach with Nadja and her good friend Benita. Benita just sold her restaurant and now enjoying the beaches with her cute son. She has been here for the last 13 years. It is great to meet people who have been here for a very long time. They know everything. I wonder if I will ever get to that point, especially spanish seems sooooo hard....I had serious headaches and Benita warned me about water....Apparently I wasnt drinking enough and I should at least have 3 liters a day...Ouch!!! I forget that I am in the tropics, though the bugs in the house and the constant heat are great reminders:)))
This week will be busy and I need to go to San with my unreliable lawyer, find a new lawyer, get my drivers license, buy a good pillow and cotton sheets...and maybe a mosquito net for my bed....
I went to the post office and found out that there is a waiting line to get a PO box. I am in a hot town...I am numero duo on the, until I get my own, feel free to send letters and your junk to Nadja...The limit is 4 kilos...
Nadja Stambuk
apartado 119
COBANO (Puntarenas)
The only thing that feels good right now is emails from friends asking for hotel advice and ticket information. I miss you!!!!!

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