Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Out in the jungle

I am in San Carlos,  2 hours north of San Jose. I came here with a quick decision on Monday, left Montezuma with the early bus. I met Reina in town and we spent the night in the best hotel but still really really not up to my expectations at all...No fruit trees, no garden, no touch...The hotel feels like a prison and I don´t feel secure at all...We had breakfast at the hotel (in Reina´s room) with mangoes and granola and checked out from the place. Walking around the city, I found maca powder and flax seeds...strangely fascinating...

It is great to be out free though, I am free and not have to deal with employee issues for a while. Then, following Jorge´s advice, I will have to be the boss!

Today we are headed to hot springs for some relaxation and green!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Ozlem!! It's Lydia from your former life at Menlo Park. Sweta told me of your blog so came here to see how you are doing. Other than employee issues, you seem to be doing wonderful. I'm envious. I looked at all your creations displayed in your Flickr account and I am in awe. Who does all your drawings on your menu boards? They're great and I also love your Baking Fairy banner. See ya and it's great to see you're doing well.