Sunday, March 08, 2009

good luck sunday!

just thinking all is going well, in peace, at harmony, arrived at the
cafe, on a sunday and the big refrigrator is hot as hell! taking the
day off, well deserved I guess! I am sooooo frustrated! I dont even
want to go into the kitchen right now. It is full of fresh produce
from yesterdays market, plus pots of beans, new chocolate cake and
many other stuff, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! hard to explain my frustration
words, just want to cry and shout and bang my head and breath and ask
for a little easy please... I work 15 hours every day and really need
some peace. I know everything happens for a reason and no matter how
hard I work, it will never be perfect. That kills me, knowing that
makes me run to the ocean and never come back but then I think of an
ice-cream that makes the day for a vegan and for that it is all worth
it again, to give another try...another chance to this crooked, not
fair, messed up is my world....also, it makes me happy to
know I make the world's best turkish mocha tart! let this sunday be
pure joy, no matter what breaks down.

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