I went to a raw dessert class with Sera and Chrisann a couple weeks ago and met Matthew, Cafe Gratitude's dessert chef. He is hot and super super friendly! We made several of Gratitude's desserts and my favorites were Chocolate Mousse and the Berry Cheesecake. Absolutely fantastic desserts! Pictures from the class are on Flickr!

So, last night Aaron and I made Matthew's killer mousse. It turned out almost as good as Matthew's and I had it for breakfast this morning. I am feeling a little sick now, it is hard to stop eating this thing.
I am pretty sure you would not be able even tell that this is a raw recipe, which means no processed sugar, eggs, dairy or tofu...Wanna bet?
Here is the recipe:
1 oz. Irish Moss (you can buy online @ purejoylivingfoods.com)
1/2 cup water
4 cups almond milk (better if you do your own, but we used store bought)
1/2 cup date paste (you can make your own by blending pitted dates)
3/4 cup agave
salt, vanilla
3/4 cup raw cacao powder
3 TB lecithin (you buy online or Whole Foods has it, note that 30% of our brain's dry weight is lecithin!!!)
1 cup coconut butter
. Blend soaked Irish moss and water really well...One of the reasons why you need Vita-mix (see my note below)
. All all the other ingredients, except lecithin and butter.
. Keep blending until the mixture is smooth. Takes only 30 seconds or so...
. Add lecithin and butter and blend another 20 seconds.
. Pour the mousse into cups and decorate as you wish...I used organic roses, you can use cacao nibs as well...

Just a warning, you really need a Vita-Mix or any other high power blender for this recipe...or a good friend who has one ;)
With all his attachments cut,
with the heart's pining subdued,
calm and serene and happy is he,
for he has attained peace of mind.
Samyutta Nikaya I, 212
Ozlemcigim blogger accountumun sifresini unuttugumdan (anla ne kadar sik bakiyorum bloglara) anonymous olarak yaziyorum. Bu raw food olayi beni asar. Cok kasmak lazim. BAksana sizin hoca da kurumus kasmaktan. Ama yapabilmeyi gercekten cok isterdim. Fekat coluk cocuk zor. Ama hadi gel de acalim su kafeyi...
Does anyone have any more of the recipes from this class??
I love Cafe Gratitude desserts but haven't had time to get to the classes - yet.
Please post them and tell me that they are their or send them to me at Joshl2000@yahoo.com
this recipe really doesn't work if you don't use hot water or boil the irish moss. Sorry but mine turned out disgusting because you forgot to mention that. Heads up folks.
Is the lecithin measurement for dry or liquid lecithin?
you definitely do not need to boil water or irish moss. i make the cafe gratitude recipe from their cookbook (pretty sure it is the same as this) at least once a month, and it comes out as perfect as what they serve at the cafe.
(you DO have to prep the dried irish moss however - you rinse it well, soak for a day in the fridge, drain and rinse. then weigh your 1 ounce piece)
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