One of the best blog entries I've ever read...Bea's pictures are amazing too...
Paris'te bir pastane....
Fotograftaki pastane Paris'teki Meshur Sadaku Aoki...Ayni bir sanat galerisi gibi, her pasta ayri bir degisik...Ilk once yesil cayli opera pastasini daha sonra da siyah susamli ekleri denemek istiyorum...Becerebilir miyim o ayri:)
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Berry Crisp
Crisps are so easy to make and perfect for entertaining...Everyone loves this recipe and I use whatever I get cheap at the farmer's market...When the fruits are in season, you don't have to add extra sugar and for some added coolness, just serve with ice-cream.
For the topping:
1 cup flour
1/2 cup oats
1/2 cup melted butter
1/3 cup raw sugar
1/3 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup nuts (pistachios or almonds)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla
For the fruit base, mix any fruit you like. For a 9 inch pie pan, you will need 3 cups of fruit...Here are some ideas...Mix and match as you like...Experiment....Have fun!
Mangoes and Peaches
Peaches and Apricots
Blueberries and Peaches
Plums and Berries
Berries (Strawberries, Raspberries, Blueberries, Blackberries)
Apples and Grapes
Pineapple and Mangoes
Mix all the topping ingredients and sprinkle over the fruit. Bake for 35 to 40 minuted in 350 degrees or until the topping gets CRISP!
For the topping:
1 cup flour
1/2 cup oats
1/2 cup melted butter
1/3 cup raw sugar
1/3 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup nuts (pistachios or almonds)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla
For the fruit base, mix any fruit you like. For a 9 inch pie pan, you will need 3 cups of fruit...Here are some ideas...Mix and match as you like...Experiment....Have fun!
Mangoes and Peaches
Peaches and Apricots
Blueberries and Peaches
Plums and Berries
Berries (Strawberries, Raspberries, Blueberries, Blackberries)
Apples and Grapes
Pineapple and Mangoes
Mix all the topping ingredients and sprinkle over the fruit. Bake for 35 to 40 minuted in 350 degrees or until the topping gets CRISP!
Turkish Coffee in San Francisco...
is sold as middle eastern coffee...that is wrong!
San Francisco'da Turk Kahvesi...
Bir arkadasim cekmis bu fotografi...Turk kahvesini Orta Asya kahvesi diye satiyorlar....
San Francisco'da Turk Kahvesi...
Bir arkadasim cekmis bu fotografi...Turk kahvesini Orta Asya kahvesi diye satiyorlar....
Friday, July 21, 2006
Do you know...
How many varieties of avocados there are?
There are more than 400 varieties of avocado, but Hass has become the most popular in the United States. Named after postal worker Rudolph Hass, who purchased the seedling in 1926 from a California farmer, the distinctive purplish-black fruit has a thicker skin and smaller body than other varieties. Farmers found the Hass easier to cultivate, and its higher oil content and good nutty flavor appealed to consumers.
There are great tips on selection and storage with some good recipes on NPR... There was also a great avocado soup (cold recipe) on a Turkish blog, Zeytindali..I can't wait to try...
Here is the translation...
2 ripe avocados
Juice of one lime, or lemon
2 cups of vegetable stock
salt and pepper to taste ( 1/4 teaspoon each)
cumin, cardamom or curry powder to taste
1 tablespoon of cilantro or parsley or both...greener the better...:)
2 tablespoons of greek yogurt or sour cream
Mix all the ingredients in a blender and chill for at least 2 hours. Let me know how you like it...
Are you a gourmet snob?
Tim Hayward is hillarious...I am guilty of ordering "off menu". I love feta cheese, I don't like raw onions and I am vegetarian...So I swap quite a lot...The only place I dare not to make any requests is Minako...
On all the other signs, I think I am safe...except maybe I do need a good chef's knife...:))
Thursday, July 20, 2006
YE:12 Sutlu Tatlilar

Ye:12’nin konusu “Sutlu Tatlilar”i konularina gore siralamaya calistim. Tariflerin hepsi birbirinden guzel ve lezzetli. Katilan tum arkadaslara tesekkur ediyorum ve onumuzdeki ay Salatalarla bulusmak uzere diyorum!

Bereketliolsun: Muzlu Puding
Guliz : Krokanli Kayisili Muhallebi
Sihirli Mutfak: Karadutlu Vanilyali Puding
Bahar Cicegi: Iki Renkli Pudding
Hanimis: Su Muhallebisi
Cafe Fernando: Blueberry Mango Ahududulu Puding
Portakal Agaci: Cukulata Tabanli Karamelli Puding
Zeynep'in Mutfagi: Kayisili Muhallebi
Gelincik: Prenses Muhallebisi
Mutfak Guncesi: Cukulatali Hareli Puding
Zeytindali:Cay Aromali Krem Ole
Yemek Kokusu: Meyveli Kup

Hanimis: Neskup
Hanimis: Bogurtlenli Kup
Lezize: Cukulata ve Sade Kup
Acik Bufe: Visneli Tiramisu
Bahar Cicegi: Cilekli Tiramisu

Annemin Mutfak Kokusu: Flaman Sutlaci
Peynir Gemisi: Visneli Sakizli Firin Sutlac
Devletsah: Firin Sutlaci
Gelincikler: Sakizli Firinda Sutlac
Zeytindali:Kheer (Hindistan Usulu Sutlac)
Irmikli Tatlilar
Zeytin Tanesi: Meyveli Sutlu Irmik Tatlisi ve Etimek Tatlisi
Limon Cicegi: Meyveli Sutlu Irmik Tatlisi
Ozlem'in Mutfagi: Sutlu Irmik Tatlisi
Sutlu Borekler

Kuzine: Laz Boregi
Ebruli Lezzetler: Sut Boregi

Pinar’in Kulubesi: Yalanci Profitefol
Miss Cilek: Kartopu Keyfi
Sweet Kitchen: Kar Toplari
Mekanimiz Mutfak: Visneli Vanilyali Tatli
Zeytin Tanesi: Etimek Tatlisi
Yemek Sepeti: Karamelli Karadut Tatlisi
Pesto-Pancetta: Creme Brule
Ozlem'in Mutfagi: Krem Karamel
Has Mutfak: Lokum
Baking Fairy: Lavantali Panna Cotta
Yoresel Tatlilar
Yemek Kokusu: Babaruva
Incik Boncuk: Osmanli Usulu Keskul
Aintab Sofrasi: Visneli Fistikli Haytalya (Kilis Tatlisi)
Aintab Sofrasi: Sutlu Nuriye
Mutfak Sohbetleri: Sutlu Nefise
Defne Nur'un Mutfagi: Esmer Sutlu
Derya'dan Lezzetler: Gonlu Ferah

Peruze: Dondurmali Sandvic
Zeytin Agaci: Sakizli Dondurma "Tatlilarin Kralicesi"
Hindistan: Parfe

Nane ve Limon: Sarlota
Yagmur Damlasi: Asure Pastasi
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Djalma's Vacation Cake
My good Flickr friend Djalma is a master in cake decorating...We have wild plans of decorating together one day...Maybe in Brazil, maybe in San Francisco....Dreaming....
Djalma'dan Tatil Pastasi....
Flickr arkadasim Djalma'nin pasta dekorasyonlari inanilmaz guzel...Mutlaka bakin....Birgun beraber calisma planlarimiz var, belki Brezilya'da belki San Francisco'da...Simdilik hayal tabii bu dusunceler!!!!
Djalma'dan Tatil Pastasi....
Flickr arkadasim Djalma'nin pasta dekorasyonlari inanilmaz guzel...Mutlaka bakin....Birgun beraber calisma planlarimiz var, belki Brezilya'da belki San Francisco'da...Simdilik hayal tabii bu dusunceler!!!!
Monday, July 17, 2006
My Nano will tell me how far I ran....
Some people are just smart....Got a Nano and you like to run, now you can get a sensor that goes into your shoe (I am not sure if it will work with my beloved Asics but will try first before switching to Nike). There is a wireless piece that goes into your Nano and the sensor communicates with the Nano and measures all the cool stats that will make you WoW! "Good job Ozlem, you ran 100 miles today and burnt a gallon of ice-cream! Yay!
I think Ev wrote about this before, if you can't measure it, you can't improve it....So true!
Check out Nike Plus, for details...I am sold and will order my kit online...
Kosucular icin Nike and IPod Nano
Bugun amma cok is yaptim, farkindasinizdir. Ama bu haber gercekten cok faydali, hele siz de benim gibi hergun kosuyorsaniz ve kosarken Ipod Nano dinliyorsaniz...Nike'in en son urunu, ayakkabinizin icine giren bir sensor. Bu sensor Ipod Nano'ya takilan diger bir sensor ile siz kosarken konusuyor, ve ne kadar mesafe kostugunuzu, kac kalori yaktiginizi soyluyor. Boylece kac tane pasta/borek yiyebilecegimizi kolayca hesapliyoruz:) Detaylar Nike'in websitesinde....
Have you grilled peaches?
They are so easy to make and really fun...Just go to your farmer's market, pick your favorite peaches. If you live in San Francisco, Alemany Farmer's Market has the best peaches around $2 per pound..Such a deal...
Directions are a snap to follow...Cut the peaches in half, take off the pit and butter and sprinkle with brown sugar or raw cane sugar...Go easy on the butter but it helps to caramelization...
Place the peaches on a medium heat grill, 5 minutes on each side and voila! We topped it off with soy vanilla ice-cream...It was delicious! All the peaches were gone before I could take a picture but the original recipe from Epicurious had some nice pictures...
Mangalda Seftali
Ilk duydugumda biraz garip gelmisti, mangalda seftali de nerden cikti diye ama bu haftasonu arkadaslarimla denedik...Harika bir tat...Hem cok hafif, hem de cok pratik bir tatli...Mutlaka bu sicak yaz gunlerinde deneyin...
Tarifi cok basit, seftalileri guzelce yikayin, kabuklarini soymadan ikiye bolun. Cekirdegini cikarin. Bir yemek kasigi tereyag ile 1 tatli kasigi esmer sekeri eritin. Seftalilerin uzerine surun. Orta atesteki mangalin uzerine yerlestirin. 5'er dakika onunu ve arkasini pisirin. Sekerler karamelize olunca, tatliniz hazir demektir.
Ben seftalilerin uzerine vanilayali soyali dondurma koyarak ikram ettim; fistikli dondurma da cok yakisir eminim. Bizim seftaliler, fotograf cekmeme firsat kalmadan bitti, o yuzden size Epicurious'taki fotografla bas basa birakiyorum....
It is so hot out!
I just came from running 4 miles, what was I thinking??? It is 85 degrees in Menlo Park and it feels like 100...I need water and watermelon for lunch...
Mutfakta Randevu
Pembe Candaner'in bu haftaki yazisi harika. Acaba San Francisco'da boyle bir yer var mi, hemen arastiriyorum. Yoksa belki benim mutfakta bulusabiliriz....
A date in the kitchen...
This article is from a Turkish newspaper. Pembe Candener, is visiting in US and she meets with friends at a restaurant for lunch. Waiting to be seated, the host takes her to the kitchen, where she sees a bunch of well dress men, including her friend in aprons. They all cook together and eat lunch afterwards....What a neat idea....I wonder if there is something similar in San Francisco???
Bourdain in Beirut
CELEBRITY chef Anthony Bourdain was stranded in war-ravaged Beirut yesterday after Israeli forces bombed the city's international airport and blockaded all of Lebanon's ports. For more....
Inspiration for the Week....
In anything at all, perfection is finally attained not when there is no longer
anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away.
—Antoine de Saint-Exupery
I am looking for good coffee and just signed up for Blue Bottle
monthly delivery at
Lavantali Panna Cotta
YE 12 icin Epicurious'dan Panna Cotta denedim. Panna Cotta, cok basit bir sutlu tatli. Alisik oldugumuz pudinglere benziyor ama icinde yumurta ve yag olmadigi icin oldukca hafif. Hepimizin evinde olan cay fincanlarinda sunumu da oldukta guzel oldugu icin, bu tarifi sizlerle paylasmak istedim....
Iste tarif:
1/4 bardak soguk su
4 cay kasigi jelatin
4 bardak sut (isterseniz 2 bardak hindistan cevizi sutu ya da badem sutu, ya da soya sutu, ya da krema kullanabilirsiniz).
1 bardak seker
1 tatli kasigi bal
1/4 cay kasigi vanilya esansi
1 yemek kasigi lavanta
1) 1/4 bardak suyun icinde jelatini yumusatin (10 dakika)
2) Kisik ateste jelatin iyice eriyene kadar karistirin, yaklasik 1 dakika
3) Baska bir tencerede sut, seker, bal, lavanta ve vanilyayi karistirin, kisik ateste kaynatin ve atesin altini kapatin.
4) Jelatin karisimini sut karisimina ekleyin.
5) Karisimi elekten gecirin ve fincanlara dokun.
Uzerine lavanta cicekleri ile susleyin, bal ile ikram edin.
Afiyet olsun!
YE 12 icin katilim harika. 50 tane sutlu tatli posta kutumda okunmayi bekliyor. Haftasonuna kadar tarifleri organize edip, yazmayi planliyorum, simdiden sabriniz icin tesekkurler. Herkese iyi haftalar....
Iste tarif:
1/4 bardak soguk su
4 cay kasigi jelatin
4 bardak sut (isterseniz 2 bardak hindistan cevizi sutu ya da badem sutu, ya da soya sutu, ya da krema kullanabilirsiniz).
1 bardak seker
1 tatli kasigi bal
1/4 cay kasigi vanilya esansi
1 yemek kasigi lavanta
1) 1/4 bardak suyun icinde jelatini yumusatin (10 dakika)
2) Kisik ateste jelatin iyice eriyene kadar karistirin, yaklasik 1 dakika
3) Baska bir tencerede sut, seker, bal, lavanta ve vanilyayi karistirin, kisik ateste kaynatin ve atesin altini kapatin.
4) Jelatin karisimini sut karisimina ekleyin.
5) Karisimi elekten gecirin ve fincanlara dokun.
Uzerine lavanta cicekleri ile susleyin, bal ile ikram edin.
Afiyet olsun!
YE 12 icin katilim harika. 50 tane sutlu tatli posta kutumda okunmayi bekliyor. Haftasonuna kadar tarifleri organize edip, yazmayi planliyorum, simdiden sabriniz icin tesekkurler. Herkese iyi haftalar....
Lavender Infused Panna Cotta
This month I am hosting a Turkish Food Blogging event and our topic is Milky Desserts...I tried a Panna Cotta recipe with lavender from Epicurious. Panna Cotta is very easy to make but it is very tricky to get the right consistency. This is definitely something I need to work on....I used coconut milk on my first batch, then I used almond milk on a second batch...Both weren't smooth enough....If you have any recipes for a killer panna cotta, send it over...I would love to try it!
Here is the base recipe I used...
I will be doing a round-up of the 50 entries I received for the event, so long nights are ahead....Then I am off to Costa Rica....! Yay!!!
Here is the base recipe I used...
I will be doing a round-up of the 50 entries I received for the event, so long nights are ahead....Then I am off to Costa Rica....! Yay!!!
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Gateau Basque with Strawberry Jam and Vanilla Ice Cream

The original of this recipe comes from southwestern France near Spain, where this tart/cake is usually eaten with jam on the side. This version combines the jam with the tart and makes it a very delicious picnic treat.
I used my mom's homemade strawberry jam and it was delicious. My new roommate and her boyfriend also loved it, so it is definitely a keeper. Next time I will try with less sugar and rock the pastry cream recipe with almond milk!
Thanks Scott for sharing the recipe!
4 ounces (1/2 cup) unsalted butter, at room temperature
1/2 cup sugar
Freshly grated zest of 1 lemon
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 extra-large egg
1 extra-large egg yolk
11/2cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
4 extra-large egg yolks
1 3/4 cups whole milk
1/2 vanilla bean, split lengthwise and scraped
1 tablespoon light rum
1/2 teaspoon almond extract
3/4 cup black cherry preserves (I used strawberries)
1 egg, beaten, for egg wash
Makes 1 nine inch tart
1. To make the pastry: In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream the butter, sugar, lemon zest, and salt on low speed, until smooth. Add the egg and egg yolk and mix until blended. In a small bowl, whisk together the flour and baking powder. Add the flour mixture to the butter mixture and mix on low speed until a soft dough forms. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface and divide it into two pieces. Wrap in plastic wrap, and refrigerate until firm, at least 30 minutes.
2. To make the filling, In a medium bowl, whisk together the sugar and flour. Add the egg yolks and 1/4 cup of the milk and whisk until smooth. In a medium saucepan, heat the remaining 1/1/2 cups milk with the vanilla bean and its scrapings, until steaming. While whisking, pour 1/2 cup of the hot milk into the yolk mixture. Whisk the yolk mixture back into the hot milk and cook over medium heat, whisking, until boiling and thick, about 4 minutes. Strain the filling through a fine-mesh sieve into a bowl. Discard the vanilla bean. Stir in the rum and almond extract. Place a piece of plastic wrap directly on the surface of the pastry cream to prevent a skin from forming and refrigerate until cool, at least 2 hours and up to 8 hours.
3. Preheat the oven to 325". Set a 9-inch-diameter flan ring with 10-inch sides on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Spray the inside of the pan with vegetable oil spray. Working between two pieces of plastic wrap, roll out the larger disk of dough to an 11-inch round. Remove the plastic wrap and ease the dough into the flan ring, pressing it into the corners and leaving the overhang. Spread the preserves evenly over the bottom of the pastry shell. Add the pastry cream in dollops and then carefully spread it over the preserves. Working between two more pieces of plastic wrap, roll out the second disk of dough to a 10-inch round and lay it over the pastry cream. Press the edges of the top and bottom crust together and cut off the overhang using the back edge of a knife. Using the tines of a fork, lightly score the top crust in a crosshatch pattern. Brush the top of the tart with the remaining egg wash. With the tip of a knife, poke three holes in the top to allow steam to escape.
4. Bake in the center of the oven for g! minutes, or until the top is golden brown. Transfer the baking sheet to a wire rack and let the tart cool completely.
Serve at room temperature or chilled...Go a step further and scoop your favorite ice-cream on top. Have one slice per day only:)
Recipe from The American Boulangerie, more pictures on Flickr!

Do You Know...
What vitamin is found in rain?
"Vitamin B12. This nutrient, necessary for healthy blood, becomes
naturally airborne and is brought to earth by wind and rain." From
Martha Stewart...
We got soaked this year in San Francisco.Dad will be happy to hear
that I got fueled on B12:)
Monday, July 10, 2006
Amore Italia!
I was cheering for Italy and so happy they won...Zidane's headbut was shocking and unfortunate for the French team. How does one lose control in front of one billion people? I have a great Gateau Basque recipe for the French fans that will you smile again. Will be posting that soon.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Next Martha?
Must check this out!
BLOGHER: "It’s July, and that means Blogher in San Jose. Are you coming? If so, I’m moderating a panel on Saturday, July 29. It’s called “Is the Next Martha Stewart a Blogger?” and I’ll be talking to designer Andrea Scher of Superhero Designs, gardener and author Gayla Trail of You Grow Girl, foodie Pim Techamuanvivit of Chez Pim, and knitter Marnie MacLean of If you’ll be there, come introduce yourself and join in the conversation. "
BLOGHER: "It’s July, and that means Blogher in San Jose. Are you coming? If so, I’m moderating a panel on Saturday, July 29. It’s called “Is the Next Martha Stewart a Blogger?” and I’ll be talking to designer Andrea Scher of Superhero Designs, gardener and author Gayla Trail of You Grow Girl, foodie Pim Techamuanvivit of Chez Pim, and knitter Marnie MacLean of If you’ll be there, come introduce yourself and join in the conversation. "
Monday, July 03, 2006
Jihva for Strawberries Part 3

Here are the last entries for the Strawberry Event that I hosted a month ago. Thank you everyone for joining and see you next month at Sauilu's.
1. Smorgasbord: Strawberries and Wine and Strawberry Yogurt
2. Luv2cook: Strawberry Spinach Salad
3. Out of the Garden: Old Fashioned Strawberry Shortcake
4. Anu-sachin East2West: Strawberry Tiramisu
5. En Ulagam: Strawberry Pachadi (Relish)
6. Happy Burp: Berry Easy Yoghurt Cake
7. Green Jack Fruit: Strawberry Buttermilk Ice
8. Food Newbie: Strawberry Pie
9. and finally from the Baking Fairy: Strawberry Spark Cake
You can read the previous entires here (Part 1) and here (Part 2)
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